
React Native Notes

Last Updated: 22 Nov 2024

Table Of Contents

Getting Started

What is React Native?

Setting up the development environment

Expo vs React Native CLI

Core Concepts

Components (Functional & Class)

Props and State

Lifecycle Methods (useEffect and beyond)

UI Basics

Views and Layouts

Styling with StyleSheet

Flexbox in React Native

Expo Router & File Based Routing

Expo file structure

For Example:

_layout.tsx # Shared layout for all pages in this folder.
+index.tsx # Route for the "home or index" screen.
+profile.tsx # Route for the "profile" screen.
+not-found.tsx # Special route for unmatched paths (404 page).

When the app is running:

Stack, Tab, and Drawer Navigators

<Stack> is a component that helps you manage navigation between different screens in your app. It organizes your app’s screens to function like cards in a deck.

  1. Each <Stack.Screen> in your app is a card/page or group.
  2. You can “push” a new screen onto the stack (add it to the end of the array, i.e. go to a new page).
  3. You can “pop” a screen off the stack (remove it from the end of the array, i.e. go back to the previous page).

Tabs are controlled by the group (tab). You can create any group using () enclosing your group’s directory name. Any new (group) that you create will need its own _layout.tsx file inside

Working with APIs

Fetching Data (REST API with Fetch or Axios)

Using AsyncStorage for local storage

Managing State (Context API or Redux)

Platform-Specific Features

iOS vs Android Differences

Handling Permissions (e.g., Camera, Location)

Media and Assets

Images and Videos

Icons and Fonts

Linking assets in React Native

Forms and Input

TextInput Basics

Handling Keyboard Avoidance

Form Libraries (Formik, React Hook Form)

Advanced Features

Animations (Reanimated or Animated API)

Gesture Handling (React Native Gesture Handler)

Native Modules and Linking

Performance Optimization

Avoiding Re-renders

Using FlatList and SectionList Efficiently

Memory Management and Debugging Tools

Debugging and Testing

Common Errors and Fixes

Debugging with React Developer Tools

Testing with Jest or Detox


Building for Android and iOS

Using Expo for OTA updates

Publishing to App Stores

Community and Resources

Official Documentation and Guides

Staying Up-to-date with React Native