
JavaScript Arrays Cheatsheet

Last Updated: 2024.04.04

Table of Contents

About This Guide

Using the power of the superhuman, this document uses the following data to demonstrate common JavaScript array methods:

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];

Each codeblock is meant to be a stand-alone example. New information/state from prior examples will not carry over unless explicitly indicated.

Identify Length, Elements, & Indices



Identify the number of elements.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];

console.log(justiceLeague.length); // 5


Array.includes(searchElement, fromIndex)

Determine if array has a particular element. Returns boolean.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];

console.log(justiceLeague.includes("Joker")); // false

Array Includes vs. String Matches


Array.indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex)

Return the index of the first occurrence of an element. Case & whole-word sensitive. Returns -1 if it can’t found.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];

console.log(justiceLeague.indexOf("supermann")); // -1
console.log(justiceLeague.indexOf("Flash")); // 3

Test Elements


Array.every(callbackFn, thisArg)

Test whether ALL elements in an array pass the conditions of the callback function. Returns a boolean.

const ages = [28, 33, 30, 19];
const allAdults = ages.every((age) => age >= 18);
const allOver30 = ages.every(function (age) {
    return age > 30;

console.log(allAdults); // true
console.log(allOver30); // false

Add, Remove, & Replace Elements


Array.push(item1, item2, ...itemN)

Add one or more elements to the end of an array.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];

justiceLeague.push("Aquaman", "Shazam");

console.log(justiceLeague); // [ 'Superman','Batman','Wonder Woman','Flash','Green Lantern','Aquaman','Shazam' ]



Remove a single element from the end of an array.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];


console.log(justiceLeague); // [ 'Superman', 'Batman', 'Wonder Woman', 'Flash', ]


Array.unshift(item1, item2, ...itemN)

Add one or more elements to the beginning of an array.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];


console.log(justiceLeague); // [ 'Shazam', 'Superman', 'Batman', 'Wonder Woman', 'Flash', 'Green Lantern' ]



Remove a single element at the beginning of an array.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];


console.log(justiceLeague); // [ 'Batman', 'Wonder Woman', 'Flash', 'Green Lantern' ]



Array.splice(startIndex, deleteCount, addItem1, ...addItemN)

Remove, add, or replace elements in an array.

NOTE: This method changes the original array and may change the value of this.

  1. Remove elements starting from a given index.
const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];

justiceLeague.splice(2, 3);

console.log(justiceLeague); // [ 'Superman', 'Batman' ]
  1. Add elements starting from a given index.
const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];

justiceLeague.splice(1, 0, "Shazam", "Aquaman");

console.log(justiceLeague); // [ 'Superman','Shazam','Aquaman','Batman','Wonder Woman','Flash','Green Lantern' ]
  1. Replace elements starting from a given index.
const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];
const sidekicks = ["Robin", "Superboy"];

justiceLeague.splice(2, 2, ...sidekicks);
console.log(justiceLeague); // [ 'Superman', 'Batman', 'Robin', 'Superboy', 'Green Lantern' ]


Shallow Copy

  1. Array.slice(startIndex, stopIndex)

  2. String.slice(start, end)

Copy any portion an array or string and use those copied elements to create a new array.

NOTE: The original array remains unchanged.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];
const teamAlpha = justiceLeague.slice(0, 3);

console.log(teamAlpha); // [ 'Superman', 'Batman', 'Wonder Woman' ]

let password = "OpenSesame";
let cipher = password.slice(0, 5);

console.log(cipher); // OpenS

Combine & Create New Arrays



Concatenate two or more arrays.

const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];
const sidekicks = ["Robin", "Superboy"];
const heroes = justiceLeague.concat(sidekicks);

console.log(heroes); // [ 'Superman','Batman','Wonder Woman','Flash','Green Lantern','Robin','Superboy' ]

(…) Spread Operator

  1. Combine arrays inside another array.
const teamA = ["Huntress", "Black Canary"];
const teamB = ["Red Tornado", "Aquaman"];
const teamAB = [...teamA, ...teamB];

console.log(teamAB); // [ 'Huntress', 'Black Canary', 'Red Tornado', 'Aquaman' ]
  1. Pass elements to functions that require separate arguments and cannot accept arrays themselves, e.g. the Math object.
const ages = [28, 33, 30, 19];

console.log(Math.min(ages)); // NaN
console.log(Math.min(...ages)); // 19


Shallow Copy

Array.filter(callbackFn, thisArg)

  1. Return a new array with elements from the original that pass a specific condition.
const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];
const firstAndLast = justiceLeague.filter(function (item, index) {
    return index < 1 || index > justiceLeague.length - 2;

console.log(firstAndLast); // [ 'Superman', 'Green Lantern' ]
const sidekicks = ["Robin", "Superboy", "Kid Flash", "Aqualad"];
const longNames = sidekicks.filter((name, index) => name.length > 7);

console.log(longNames); // [ 'Superboy', 'Kid Flash' ]
  1. Determine which elements match a string with .filter() & .includes().
const justiceLeague = ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Flash", "Green Lantern"];
const filterMan = justiceLeague.filter(function (name) {
    return name.includes("man");

console.log(filterMan); // ["Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman"];
const sidekicks = ["Robin", "Superboy", "Kid Flash", "Aqualad"];
const filterEvens = sidekicks.filter((name, index) => {
    return index % 2 !== 0;

console.log(filterEvens); // [ 'Superboy', 'Aqualad' ]



Return a new array with all original elements modified by a callback function.

const ages = [28, 33, 30, 19];
const doubleAges = ages.map(function (age) {
    return `${age * 2}`;

console.log(doubleAges); //[ '56', '66', '60', '38' ]
const sidekicks = ["Robin", "Superboy"];
const cities = ["Gotham", "Metropolis"];
const jurisdiction = sidekicks.map((name, index) => {
    const city = cities[index];
    return `${name}: ${city}`;

console.log(jurisdiction); // [ 'Robin: Gotham', 'Superboy: Metropolis' ]


Array.split(separator, limit)

Split a string and return substrings as elements in an array.

const alterEgos = "Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent";
const secretIdentities = alterEgos.split(",");

console.log(secretIdentities); // [ 'Bruce Wayne', ' Clark Kent' ]



Join array elements into a string. If you leave the separator empty, the string will be joined by commas.

const secretIdentities = ["Bruce Wayne", " Clark Kent"];
const alterEgos = secretIdentities.join(",");

console.log(alterEgos); // Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent

Objects & Arrays



Return an object as an array of [key, value] pairs

const jurisdiction = {
    Superman: "Metropolis",
    Batman: "Gotham",
    Flash: "Central City",

  [ 'Superman', 'Metropolis' ],
  [ 'Batman', 'Gotham' ],
  [ 'Flash', 'Central City' ]

Object.entries(jurisdiction).forEach(([key, value]) => console.log(`${key}: ${value}`));
// 'Superman: Metropolis'
// 'Batman: Gotham'
// 'Flash: Central City'