
Markdown Cheatsheet

Last Updated: 2024-05-19

VSCode Markdown Preview Shortcut: ⌘K V (note space).

Table of Contents

About This Document

This is a quick reference guide for the most common Markdown syntax you’ll need for your documents. For the best viewing and editing experience of this and other Markdown files:

  1. Open the .md file in VSCode.
  2. Install/enable the Markdown All in One extension.
  3. Preview your rendered document in a side window: ⌘K V

# h1 heading

## h2 heading

### h3 heading

#### h4 heading

##### h5 heading
###### h6 heading

Text Elements

Paragraphs are the default. No special tags required for this magic!


Blockquotes can be nested:

> Level 1

> > Level 2

> > > Level 3

Typographic Replacements

Remove the spaces inside the parentheses of these elements:

To see these replacements in your preview window in VSCode, you need to change the default settings:

VSCode Settings: ⌘,

This is how you make a link to Github with a URL.

You can link to other files as well. Type ## in the link to trigger intellisense and see markdown headers in the current workspace.

Images are similar to links alt text here Alternatively, drag an image while holding SHIFT into your document


    "Remember to include your code language after the backticks above."

Horizontal Rules & Breaks



Use - to create lists:


Start numbered lists by typing 1. (note the space); press Return or Enter to start a new line/number; press Tab or Shift+Tab after a list level to nest items underneath it.

  1. foo
    1. bar
    2. baz
      1. qux
      2. quux
      3. corge
    3. grault
  2. garply
  3. waldo
    1. fred
      1. plugh
        1. xyzzy
    2. thud

Note: it doesn’t matter if you type the correct sequential number after 1. . Any number you type will automatically render as the next number in the list.