
Mac Terminal Cheatsheet

Last Updated: 2024-05-19

Table of Contents

About This Document

This cheatsheet is for quick reference to common commands for the Mac terminal (with significant carryover to Linux as well).

Common Mac Keyboard Symbols

Processing & Searching Text

There are three main tools to search and process text:

  1. grep: finds text patterns in a file. (Most simple.)
  2. sed: finds and modifies data.
  3. awk: a programming language. (Most complex.) It is usually used to:
    1. Process field-oriented data.
    2. Perform numeric comparisons/calculations.
    3. Modify data based on calculations.

Command Line Navigation

Move Cursor To Beginning Of Input


Move Cursor To End Of Input


Move Backward One Word


Move Forward One Word


Input Manipulation

All of the following Clear commands will “copy” the cleared text and make it available to yank (paste), except for the ⌃C signal interrupter.

Clear Entire Input


Clear Entire Input After Cursor


Clear Previous Word


Clear Next Word

Esc D

Clear Terminal Screen


This clears the terminal screen of text by adding newlines to your window.

Yank (Paste Previously Cleared) Text


The most recently cleared text, regardless of length, is available to be recalled.

Cancel (Signal Interrupt) Current Command Line


This terminates execution of the process and wipes the command line regardless of cursor position, but you will only be able to yank (recall/paste) previously cleared text.

Directory & File Manipulation

Make A Single Directory

mkdir directoryName

Make Multiple Directories

Create directories within the current working directory. mkdir -p dir1 dir2 dir3

Create directories within a specified parent directory. mkdir -p parentDirectory/dir1 dir2 dir3

Make Nested Directories

mkdir -p county/city/neighborhood/

Copy a Directory

cp -r sourceFolder destinationFolder

Create A File

touch fileName.txt

Create Multiple Files

touch file1.txt file2.js file3.jpg file4.html

Create A Directory & File Together

mkdir folderName && touch folderName/fileName.txt

Move File(s) To A Directory

mv file1.txt file2.js folderName

Admin Privileges

Executing some commands will require admin (superuser) privileges.

Run Commands As Superuser

Prepend sudo to any command.

Run A Shell As Superuser

sudo -s

Computer Utilities (MacOS)

Shutdown, Restart, Sleep

Modifying system power will likely require sudo permissions.

Use the following options with any of the shutdown commands below:

Shutdown Immediately

sudo shutdown -h now

Shutdown In 10 Minutes

sudo shutdown -h +10

Schedule Shutdown

Use 24-hour (hh:mm) time to schedule a power off.

sudo shutdown -h 22:30

Image manipulation

Image Format Conversion

Convert a jpg to png sips -s format png oldImage.jpg --out newImage.png

Resize Image

Set max height/width to 800 pixels. sips -Z 800 image.jpg

Check Network Stats


File Conversion

Convert a text file to HTML textutil -convert html document.txt

Convert a text file to PDF textutil -convert pdf document.txt -output document.pdf

Text To Speech

say hello world