
Think Like a Programmer

An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving

Book by V. Anton Spraul - 2012

Chapter 1 - Strategies for Problem Solving

General Problem Solving Techniques

  1. Always Have A Plan
  2. Restate The Problem
  3. Divide The Problem
  4. Start With What You Know
  5. Reduce The Problem
  6. Look For Analogies
  7. Experiment
  8. Don’t Get Frustrated

1. Always Have A Plan

This is the most important rule!

“I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”
– General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy.”
– Helmuth von Moltke

2. Restate The Problem

The Fox, the Goose, and the Corn

3. Divide The Problem

Sliding Tile Puzzles

4. Start With What You Know


5. Reduce The Problem

6. Look For Analogies

The Quarrasi Lock

7. Experiment

8. Don’t Get Frustrated